Programme(as of 07 August 2013)ALL TALKS HAVE A (MAXIMUM) LENGTH OF 30 MINUTES, DISCUSSION INCLUDED (SHORTER IS O.K.)The morning sessions have a 15 minutes coffee break at 10.30am (Tuesday) and 10am (Wednesday and Thursday), the afternoon session at 4.00pmMondayArrival in Kiel7pm-8.30pmWelcoming reception in the Lobby of the GHotelTuesday8.15am Guided walk from the Lobby of the GHotel to the workshop venue8.45amRegistration9am Session IRelativity and Accretion Chair: Eckart V. KarasPragueDusty tori and organized magnetic fields around black holesM. Dovciak PragueX-ray polarization and strong gravityV. SochoraPragueStudying extremal energy shifts from accretion ringsM. Bursa PragueThermal disk spectra at high accretion ratesW.J. Duschl Kiel, TucsonTo be or not to be: The sub-Eddington limit for AGN accretionNoonSession IIThe Galactic Center Chair: Duschl A. Eckart CologneThe Galactic Center as a paradigmn for low luminosity nuclei? The K-band identification of the DGO/G2 source from VLT and Keck dataM. Zajacek PragueModels of the gaseous-dust cloud G2 near the Galactic CenterG. KarssenCologneModeling the variable near-infrared emission from Sgr A* with an orbiting hot spotB. Czerny PragueMultiple accretion events as a trigger for Sagittarius A* activityN. Sabha CologneFaint point sources and a bowshock in the central parsec: An infrared viewB. Jalali CologneStar formation in the vicinity of Sgr A*B. Shazamanian BonnInfrared polarized light from Sgr A* M. Garcia Marin CologneAPEX/sub-mm observations of the Galactic Center N. Grosso StrasbourgX-ray flaring activity of Sgr A* C. RauchBonnNIR triggered phase referencing of the Galactic Center radio source Sgr A* at 43 GHzS. Yazici CologneGRAVITY, the 2nd generation interferometer for Galactic Center observationsWednesday8.00am Guided walk from the Lobby of the GHotel to the workshop venue8.30amSession III(A)GN IChair: Porquet M. Vitale BonnGalaxy evolution across optical emission-line diagnostic diagrams S. Behroozian CologneGas dynamics in Seyfert galaxies N. Fazeli CologneStellar populations in Seyfert galaxies M. Bremer CologneExtended LINER-like emission in the NuGA source 5850 Y.E. RashidCologne, BaghdadHigh resolution observations of SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 in the optrical and radio domain - A possible example of a jet-triggered star formationS. Hoenig Kiel, Santa BarbaraThe dusty heart of AGN revealed by IR interferometryL. MoserCologneGalactic centers near and far: interferometric observations of 3 galaxies of the low luminosity QSO sample and of the Galactic Center (Sgr A*) 12.30pmExcursion (bus leaves from the workshop venue) 06.30pmCPK13-Happy Hour in the Lobby of the GHotelThursday8.00am Guided walk from the Lobby of the GHotel to the workshop venue8.30amSession IV(A)GN IIChair: KarasM. Blank Kiel Viscous time lags between starburst and AGN activity G. BuschCologneA low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample - Near-Infrared study of nearby AGN host galaxies Ch. Iserlohe CologneThe Seyfert 1.5 galaxy NGC 4151 in the infraredL. FuhrmannBonnThe F-GAMMA program: AGN variability and the detection of significant radio/gamma-ray correlationsK. Markakis BonneMerlin and Subaru observations of NGC 3718D. PorquetStrasbourgX-ray observations of AGN J. Zuther CologneCompect radio emission from z~0.2 X-ray bright AGN and the central kpc of edge-on AGN M. Valencia-S.CologneMany reasons why Narrow Line seyfert 1s are not a special class of Active Galactic Nuclei Impressum - (c) W.J. Duschl - Last update: 07 August 2013